Jen Ferruggia You want to feel and look sexy all year long right? Do this for me right now..Close your eyes and picture yourself at the beach wearing nothing but a 2 piece bikini, strutting your stuff with all of the confidence in the world. Your body is thin, toned and…
bikini body
Wondering how to get a bikini body fast? Let me show you how I got my bikini body in less than 3 months. I won’t lie, it did take some hard work BUT if I can do it anyone can and I really mean that! Everyone is different but if…
Cover of Kayla Itsines Workouts Guide Are Kayla Itsines Workouts Any Good? That’s the question I’ve been asked a LOT since starting this blog, and that’s why I thought I would do a quick write up about Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide. There seems to be a LOT of mixed…
YES YES YES!!! Starting to see some good results all thanks to Jen Ferruggia’s Bikini Body Workouts 😀 Today is a good day friends. I woke up, went for my morning shower and thought I would wear my favorite jeans(I normally wear a dress, baggy shorts or tights but today was a…